Why use SM-ARTI?

Facebook’s user base is larger than the population of China! With 1.79 billion members worldwide, and over 22 billion ad clicks per year, Facebook is providing businesses with the largest advertising opportunity since online search. So yes, your audience awaits – it’s just a matter of finding them. Re-marketing using SM-ARTI works by re-engaging an audience that has already visited your page and either commented on a post or sent you a message. Therefore a user is more likely to be interested in your products or services at some level. With this technique, you’re tapping the potential customer on the shoulder to remind them that they might want to go ahead and make that purchase or contact you.


For example:

  • Visitors who previously visited your page are 70% more likely to convert on a page or website compared to those who don’t.

  • In a joint study, comScore and ValueClick Media found that re marketing lifted trademark scores by 1,046%, the highest performance out of six targeting strategies tested.

  • Only 11% of consumers had a negative reaction to re-marketing ads in an eMarketer study, while 30% of buyers who noticed responded positively.

Facebook re-marketing is especially potent because of how specific the available targeting and tracking data is based on the content or your page posts. Give us a Call or request a call back to get started.